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No music videos: the state of Russian music-related video content

15 min

Some of us remember the times when the phrase “music video” meant just a short promotional video for a single, maybe an occasional music-themed talk show and, again, collections of clips in the Top 40 format.  But that was 15-20 years ago. With the advent of video platforms and social networks, music turned into content, and there can never be too much of it. Therefore, over the past two years we have seen a boom in all kinds of online shows about music: online concerts, podcasts, interviews, and even therapy sessions with artists. Let's take a look at trendy video formats in the Russian music industry.

⚫️ МС Taxi: ride or sing


Gazgolder collective launched this web series 2 years ago. Initially the project was reminiscent of James Corden’s Carpool Karaoke, but the episodes were slightly longer (20-30 minutes). The musicians got into a taxi driven by Gazgolder’s co-owner Basta, rode around Moscow at night, told stories and performed their music.

In the newest iteration, the transport was dramatically updated. Now the guests board a ‘water taxi’ (a yacht). The change of format brings obvious financial and seasonal restrictions: everything is filmed when it’s warm, and then gradually released online. Although - who knows - in winter the team can occupy a ship cabin or get back on the road.

⚫️  Studio 69: swap the pop


The Studio 69 project (an evolution of Lamborjeans web show) proves that you can blend music, video and social networks in many different ways.

For example, you can make artists literally swap their songs, as they do in the “Swap Hits” segment. The result is much more spontaneous, emotionally charged and entertaining than the usual covers.

And on the “Sing Song Show” the hitmakers from various generations (from Lolita to GAYAZOV$ BROTHER$) try to understand what Russian-language songs foreigners are trying to sing.

⚫️  Bitva Pokoleniy (Battle of Generations): views VS perspective


A successful modern music show can feel great both on the Internet and on TV, and “Battle of Generations”, which started last fall on the MUZ-TV channel, is a great example. 

Two representatives of different generations (“masters” and “freshmen”) sing four songs each, and an equally diverse team of judges decide who was more entertaining. A perfect way to reach a wide audience in one fell swoop.

⚫️  3 Kota Show (Show 3 Cats): a stream dream


Sometimes musicians travel to other universes. For example, they visit the world of streaming.

In the video podcast “3 Cats” Twitch stars try to become full-fledged artists, and the whole project heavily relies on all kinds of improvisation. The result is a total win-win: fans of both streamers and musicians are hooked.

⚫️  Zaletay V Trendy: 30 seconds to wow


Zaletay V Trendy (“Get Trending”) from VK Video is the evolution of the talent show format, which relies on the fact that these days there is too much content and too little time. Young talents are given only 30 seconds to impress (or bore) the judges. However, the resulting episodes are pretty lengthy (about 75 minutes).

⚫️  Muzloft: can I just watch?


Nowadays, every self-respecting podcast has to have a video version, so that fans can decide for themselves how to “consume” the show: purely with their ears or by observing the talking heads.

Muzloft, which is shot at our studio, is a project of Stas Yarushin, a KVN graduate with a huge resume. The format is a hybrid of an interview and a concert. And even though Stas is known for his jokes, Muzloft is a pretty serious offering in terms of its approach: the guests are the stars of various genres and eras, the studio has a team of session musicians, and its YouTube page alone already has more than a million subscribers.

⚫️  MTS Label’s Acoustic Gigs: the artist is on the line


Russian mobile operator MTS launched its own music company in the spring of 2023, and in October a special online project was premiered: the label’s signees are playing acoustic versions of their songs. The idea is that each mini-concert will take place outside of the studio and will be shot in various unusual locations. So far only one video has been released: the folk group Settlers sang their “Ptichka” in St. Andrew’s Anglican Church in Moscow. The result is strikingly beautiful.

⚫️  LAB: what’s yours is mine


The band Therr Maitz frontman Anton Belyaev is a very busy person, whether he’s writing music for the romantic blockbuster “Ice” or giving practical advice to “The Voice Russia” contestants. Yet he still finds time and energy to look after his own music laboratory.

“LAB” (Anton Belyaev’s Laboratory of Music) has been active since 2019. The idea is that some artists play one of their songs and creatively rework two songs of somebody else. Initially, the show aired on Yandex.Efir, but now it is part of the VK Video content machine. 

It seems that over the course of four seasons all the major players on the country’s modern music scene have managed to come to visit Belyaev: FEDUK, Ilya Lagutenko, Elka and many others. Of course, the head of the project also steps on stage from time to time.

⚫️  Sessiya (Session): let your demons sing


A very original (and very stylishly executed) project from VK at the intersection of music and psychology. Various artists (from the quintessential good boy Vanya Dmitrienko to the certified bad girl INSTASAMKA) all lie on the couch in front of Dmitry Dibrov and answer his questions, covering both creative and personal issues of the “patients”. 

The session is occasionally interrupted by comments from a real psychotherapist, and ends with the performance of one song. It’s an ideal opportunity to get inside the artists’ heads, as well as to better understand their work and, by extension, their audience.

⚫️  Knizhnaya Polka (Book Shelf): read my lips


We wouldn’t be surprised if even Yandex employees wouldn’t be able to immediately name all the services of the tech giant. Which means the company has more than enough room for creative cross-platform collaborations.

For example, Yandex Music is currently shooting extra short (about 30 seconds) videos in which artists talk about the books they like. That way they promote the Bookmate online library, where the online “bookshelf” of each guest is available for reading. The guestlist includes Suzanna, Antoha MC, tim ischet svet and other indie darlings.

⚫️  Muzpodcast: talk that song


Muzpodcast is a new project from VK Video. Hosts Sergey Mudrik and Rasul Chabdarov invite a variety of experts (artists, journalists, DJs, and many others) to discuss how to survive in the industry. The result is Music Business 101, which is interesting and useful for both beginners and professionals.

And if this is not enough for you, follow the show’s competitors - video podcast NA SHUME (‘On the Noise’).

⚫️  Mashups: double trouble


Trendy video format in global and Russian social networks: the videos of DJs who delight viewers/listeners with unexpected mashups. The “two songs for the price of one” format is, of course, nothing new, but thanks to Reels and TikToks it has returned to the cultural zeitgeist with fresh vigor. It makes perfect sense: users like to use short yet catchy remixes in their videos, especially if they have a dramatic and unexpected transition. 

Михаил Агафонов
Mikhael Agafonov,
music journalist